
You can make a difference.

Launching a new Jewish nonprofit requires investment by the community and we ask that you consider making a donation to help us start up YourJewish this year. You can make a real difference by helping Rabbi Avrin and Steve Barberio get their new organization off the ground.

How to donate to yourJewish

Give as an individual

YourJewish subsidizes participation by many individuals who cannot pay for the entire cost of a program or event. We offer subsidized pricing for those people, which is paid for by the generous donations of individuals.


Sponsor a program or event

We host at least one Shabbat dinner each month and, while some people will make donations for those dinners, we look to small businesses and individual families to sponsor them, as well, as the other holiday events on the Jewish calendar.


Donate through a foundation

If you have a donor advised fund at one of the local foundations, please consider making a contribution to YourJewish through your fund. We can work directly with your fund advisor to direct a gift to YourJewish.

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