
Seeds of Mussar | Virtual Va'ad (Small Group)

Mussar is a Jewish spiritual practice that invites us to explore our inner lives, grow our relationships, and helps us connect with community A va’ad (small group) gathers regularly to explore personal attributes or values, called middot, that each of us has in different measure. We meet as a va’ad every other week on Sunday mornings between November and April with additional touch points throughout the month. This va’ad is offered in partnership with Twin Cities Mussar and Twin Cities Jewish Renewal Community and is facilitated by Rabbi Jill Avrin of YourJewish.

Why join the YourJewish Seeds of Mussar Virtual Va'ad?

Mussar can be a life changing experience for people who are seeking spiritual growth and deeper connection to Judaism and other Jews. This small group is for those who are eager to explore their own traits and virtues through the lens of Jewish tradition in a setting that is supportive, welcoming, and grounding.

What makes this va'ad unique?

The defining unique characteristic of this va'ad is that it meets virtually. We are intentionally using a virtual platform to make this meaningful experience accessible to folks who live far away, travel for part of the year, or are not able to meet in person for any other reason. We believe intrinsically that it is possible to engage deeply and meaningfully through an online platform.

What level of commitment is required?

Participating in a Mussar va'ad is a significant commitment and we ask participants to prioritize the experience and to make their best effort to attend all sessions.

We meet twice a month on Sunday mornings from 9:00-11:00 am between November and April. Additionally, all participants meet for a 30 minute chevruta (partner) conversation in between sessions scheduled at a mutually convenient time. Participants are also asked to keep up with the light reading assigned for the sessions, and respond to journaling prompts on their own time.

Session Dates:

All sessions meet from 9:00-11:00 am

11/10, 11/24, 12/8, 1/5, 1/19, 2/2, 2/16, 3/2, 3/16, 3/30, 4/6, 4/27

The final session (4/27) will be a hybrid (in person and virtual) gathering!

Do I need to live in Minnesota to participate?

Though it is not critical, we do hope that participants will have some connection to Minnesota. Perhaps this means you live here for part of the year, grew up here, went to college here, or have some other connection.

If you live permanently outside of Minnesota we'd love you to first check to see if there are any va'adot that meet in your local area before signing up for this one. If not, we'd love to have you and will welcome you with open arms!

What level of Jewish knowledge is needed?

None! One of the amazing things about Mussar is that it is equally meaningful for those with high levels of Jewish literacy as well as those who are new to Judaism.

Is there a cost?

Yes. The participation fee is $300 per person for the year. We will share the payment link after registration.

How can I learn more about mussar before we start and what if I am interested in an in-person va'ad?

Click here to check out Twin Cities Mussar!! This website is a great resource about mussar in general and also has a list of in-person va'adot starting in the Twin Cities after the High Holy Days.

Register for this program.