Buenos Aires
Oct 28-Nov 4, 2025
YourJewish believes that immersive trips are one of the most powerful ways to build relationships and connect to Jewish culture and community. We will be leading trips all over the world to explore and connect to world Jewry. We hope you will join us for our first immersive experience in Argentina! This trip will explore the most significant cultural and historical sites of Buenos Aires, with a unique focus on the Jewish story of the city over the years.
Overview of the Experience
YourJewish is excited to take the lead in organizing this trip of a lifetime. We will be designing the itinerary, coordinating the logistics, and collaborating with local professionals on the ground to lead an incredible trip for all. This trip is geared toward those who have never been to Buenos Aires and are looking to explore the city through the lens of Jewish history and contemporary culture. Though children are welcome on the trip, the itinerary is designed for an adult audience. We will be staying in one hotel in Buenos Aires for the entirety of the trip and will have a tour bus to take us to various neighborhoods. Though we will not be engaging in any rigourous physical activity, participants should feel comfortable with an itinerary that includes a fair amount of walking each day.
One of the unique elements of this trip is the personal connections we will create with local members of the Buenos Aires Jewish community. Our goal is to not only see the city and tour the significant sites but also to build meaningful connections with the folks who live in the community. It is these personal stories and relationships that make the experience more than a trip. Our hope is for participants to return home with both a deeper knowledge of, and appreciation for the city, and also a wider network of people who they will be connected to for the rest of their lives. This is the definition of Jewish Peoplehood and one of the reasons why we feel so strongly about organizing these types of experiences for our community.