
Give voice to your Jewish identity

All Jews are responsible for contributing to the ongoing evolution of what it means to be Jewish in our time.  At YourJewish, we believe that every individual has something unique to add and we want to be here for you as you discover your voice. We will offer a wide range of opportunities for you to explore and express your unique Jewish voice.

Featured Program

Tots Playdate

It is designed for families with children ages 0-5 who are looking to form relationships with other families with kids the same age and to engage together in fun Jewish activities. We will sing, play, and lead games and activities related to Shabbat and holiday celebrations. Parents, grandparents, and any other close adults in your child’s life are welcome to join. Children must be accompanied by at least one adult throughout the entirety of the programming. Older siblings are welcome, though the activities will be geared toward early childhood age children.


We want to hear from you.

Join the discussion on social media

We invite you to engage with us on our social media platforms as we respond to issues impacting the Jewish world in real time.  We love to hear from you and encourage dialogue on our thought pieces both on and offline.

Join the discussion

Share your voice

We want to help you find ways to share your voice in our community. Connect with us to explore ways to make your voice heard, whether through your writing, your activism, or your creativity. We want to help you connect to a variety of platforms and organizations to engage!

Share your voice

Ask for direction

Both Rabbi Avrin and Steve can serve as navigators if you are new to the Twin Cities and are looking to get involved in the institutions that already exist, including synagogues and organizations.  We are here to help you connect and engage. 

Ask for direction

Read our blogs

As Jewish professionals and thought leaders, we are always striving to add meaning and insight to Jewish life.  We hope you find our musings thought provoking, relevant, and meaningful.

Read blogs

Why is it important to share your voice?

Say it out loud

In the beginning of our sacred stories of creation, God literally speaks the world into being. Rabbi Larry Hoffman has said that if you don’t articulate something out loud in some form (speaking/writing/art/music/etc) then it doesn’t actually exist. Thoughts are just thoughts until we put them out there in the world. YourJewish hopes to find ways to help you bring your inner-thoughts into the world as an act of creative expression.

Build relationships

Sharing our voice enables us to connect with those around us.  When we bring our ideas into the world it enables others to learn, grow, and engage. We hope to help you enhance your relationships with others through meaningful dialogue around important ideas.

Tikkun Olam (Repairing the World)

Finding and articulating our voice enables us to create a better world for all.  Through our writing and dialogue, we are able to turn ideas into action in ways that can transform our individual lives, as well as the communities we live in. We hope to work together in community to make the world a better place for all people.